Advanced Equipment, Traditional Service
Things we can do for you
What we do best...
CCI offers the most advanced portable flare stacks in the industry. Our units are equipped with air assist and multiple tip configurations in order to operate at maximum efficiency with a wide range of hydrocarbons. All units are completely self-contained erected hydraulically, and equipped with secondary containment.
We are thorough...
Environmental compliance is easy with CCI’s data collection and reporting packages. CCI monitors and records flow rate, total flow, calorific value (BTU content), flare tip temperature, and flare gas composition (gas chromatograph). The data is compiled in a flare event report to satisfy the site’s requirements.
We are awesome at this...
CCI’s tube and shell heat exchanger system has become the preferred method of pipeline commissioning for many operators. CCI vaporizes the hydrocarbon before injecting it into the pipeline to minimize interface and flared product. This also prevents brittle fracture, which is a cause for concern when commissioning lines with many products.
We do this as well...
CCI can manage a complete hydrocarbon containment system for pigging or decommissioning of pipelines. We can set up systems for on-line or off-line separation, filtration, flaring, and liquids handling. Equipment used for this includes high and low-pressure separators, knock-out vessels, coalescing filter separators, and storage tanks. An assortment of piping and instrumentation is available to complete the package.
We are the best...
CCI uses our expertise to design and fabricate a custom flare system for customer’s facilities. We approach each project individually and do not offer a one size fits all product. CCI has designed and built flare systems for:
• Pipeline pump stations
• Well sites
• Fractionation plants
Our Customer Service is the BEST!
Why Choose CCI?
Safety & Quality
because it does.
Our Work
We are focused on providing the best level of service to our customers through preparation, communication, execution, and continuous improvement.
CCI is a specialty services company that offers superior equipment along with proven and experienced personnel.
If you like what we do and want to know more

Our Equipment
Trailer Mounted Knock Out Vesselanemptytextlline
Glycol Heat Exchangeranemptytextlline
Flare Data Packageanemptytextlline
SS 16 Flare and KO Vesselanemptytextlline
HV6 and KO Vesselanemptytextlline
Heated Commissioning Spreadanemptytextlline
Thank you for checking out our website. When you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. That is how I feel about Clean Combustion. Three things summarize our company. We have been fortunate enough to gather the most experienced and professional team that I have ever been around. We have spent the time, money, and effort to develop the most advanced fleet of portable flares, heat exchangers, and supporting equipment in the industry. We are fortunate to be in an industry with supportive customers who care about doing things correctly and safety, and this fuels our passion for serving them. No matter how much we grow, or what services that we might add in the future, we will always remember the basics of our business – people, equipment, and customer service
Brian Harless|President, Clean Combustion, Inc.